Purified Air At Home

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Purifying the air we breath at home. It doesn’t sound like it should be a big deal, right? But did you know that the air we breathe in our homes can be up to 100 times more polluted than the air outdoors? (Source) Of course this depends on the area we live in. But perhaps we live out in the country, but live near a busy road with a lot of traffic. This means the exhaust fumes from the vehicles racing by, are headed straight towards our home. Or perhaps we have allergies to outdoor elements such as weeds and pollens that are impacting the air quality inside our home.

This is something that I think about regularly. As someone with asthma and with family members with asthma, dust, environmental pollutants from cooking or chemicals in our home… it can make an impact to our overall well being. This is one thing that was strongly recommended to me to consider, having purified air at home.

When I first began getting sicker and sicker in my own recent health journey, I was told that I needed to try and cut out as many negative environmental factors as I could. This meant not only cleaning up my diet, but I needed to cut the toxins from my kitchen, stop using harsh chemicals in my cleaning and laundry routine, reducing the chemicals that are in the furniture and household goods, and removing the toxins that are in the air that we breath in our home.

I had asked for a personal referral or prescription for the best air purifier for my home. I was referred to Blue Air. No, I am not being paid to say this from Blue Air. However, We went all in. I bought the one for large rooms for both our main living room as well as our family room downstairs. Then for each of our bedrooms, I bought the smaller ones designed to set on a bedside table. Blue air purifier

What I love about the larger ones in our main living spaces, are that they each can cover enough space to purify our entire main living space. I can link them to my app on my phone and with the sensors, I can see how polluted the air really is. It will monitor the life of the filter and when it comes time to change the filter, it’s EASY.

The small ones for the bedrooms, I wish had the ability to connect to the app sometimes because there isn’t an option to see the air quality or filter life. However, I personally am not a fan of bluetooth or wifi in the bedrooms anyway. And to solve this, I just have to filter replacement come on auto ship every 6 months which is the same as the big filters. Easy Peasy.

Fits right on the nightstand.

Having these air purifiers gives me peace of mind. I know that I’m doing all that I can to make the air inside of our home cleaner for our whole family. If you are looking for an air filtering option, Blue Air is a good choice. Of course feel free to do your research. However when I was researching, Blue Air came in at the top for everything our home needed.